Alexandra Glass of Pass the Salt shares the 5 things she can't live without during quarantine.

From a young age, Alexandra Glass knew that the key to success was hard work and determination. She was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Florida by a single mom—a proud Colombian who spoke very little English and worked eighteen-hour days to keep her family afloat.

After successfully landing a dream job, marrying the love of her life, and a whirlwind two years living abroad, everything came crashing down with a painful loss. But what could have been a negative detour turned into a beautiful new chapter, and the inception of Pass the Salt, which aims to (safely) bring people together around the table through curated party-hosting boxes that make gatherings more colorful and celebratory.

Alexandra Glass, Founder Pass the Salt

Each Pass the Salt box tells a story about a place, a culture, and a time-honored tradition. The boxes include hand-picked pieces––colorful napkins, a cocktail kit, conversation starter cards, and more––that are meant to last for gatherings to come.

Here Alexandra Shares 5 Things Getting Her Through Quarantine

Check out Pass the Salt and order here.