Instant fall color. For flowers now and for years to come,plant these perennials: asters, Boltonia asteroides, dwarf plumbago, false dragonhead (Physostegia virginiana), Gaura lindheimeri, giant daisy (Leucanthemella serotina ‘Herbstern’), goldenrod (Solidago), Japanese anemone, Joe Pye weed (Eupatorium purpureum), pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea), pitcher sage (Salvia azurea grandiflora), rudbeckia, Russian sage, andsea lavender (Limonium latifolium).
Order fritillary bulbs. This little-known genus in the lilyfamily bears nodding, bell-shaped flowers on stems from 6 inches to3 feet tall. Fritillaria imperialis, considered the largest species,comes in many shades of yellow, orange, and red. F. meleagris bears flowers in solid white or checkered withpurple and reddish brown. F. persica has silvery foliage and dusky purple blooms. F. pudica bears tiny, fragrant yellow bells. Plant bulbs inwell-drained soil amended with compost in a spot that gets partialshade. Water regularly when they leaf out and bloom, lessfrequently during dormancy. A good source is McClure &Zimmerman ( or 800/883-6998).