20 Great Thanksgiving Vegetable Dishes That Don’t Have Marshmallows
Bring color and fresh flavor to the Thanksgiving table with your picks from these fall vegetables. (And if you want to add marshmallows, we won’t judge.)

Thomas J. Story
Look, if sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top are what make your Thanksgiving dinner complete, do not let us stop you! Some dishes are classic for a reason, and we don’t want to stand in the way of a family tradition.
But if you’d like to try something a little more sophisticated, we’ve got some options below for holiday side dishes and veggies that have a little more than just plain sweet going on.
In the realm of the traditional, there’s green beans with crisp bread crumbs that hit many of the same notes that those canned fried onions do. Or roasted squash, jazzed up with pumpkin seeds.
For something a little different, try cauliflower cooked with the Egyptian nut and spice blend called dukkah. Or turnips with maple-miso butter, which are earthy, rich, and a little sweet, just like you’ve always wished turnips could be.
We’ve even got a selection of Brussels sprout recipes that might change the mind of guests who think they don’t like this polarizing vegetable. Whether you go traditional or adventurous this year, we wish you a happy feast!