Spring Onion Dip

Sweet and umami-packed Japanese Kewpie mayo and crunchy fried shallots make this an Asianesque spin on everyone’s favorite party dip. Onion powder gives it that nostalgic flavor boost.
This recipe, and others like it, can be found in the article “These Are the Best Mussels We’ve Ever Had (Plus, More Snacks from Portland’s Best Bar).”
How to Make It
In a medium bowl, combine mayonnaise, sour cream, garlic, mustard, salt, onion powder, lemon zest, lemon juice, green onion, chives, fried shallots, and buttermilk. Whisk everything together until thoroughly combined. Season to taste with salt and lemon juice. Serve with your favorite potato chips—at Pacific Standard, we use Ruffles.
In a medium bowl, combine mayonnaise, sour cream, garlic, mustard, salt, onion powder, lemon zest, lemon juice, green onion, chives, fried shallots, and buttermilk. Whisk everything together until thoroughly combined. Season to taste with salt and lemon juice. Serve with your favorite potato chips—at Pacific Standard, we use Ruffles.