earl grey hot toddy
Produce Row Cafe
AuthorProduce Row Café
Shared with us by the team at Produce Row Café in Portland, Oregon, this toddy is warm and cozy just as the classic cocktail is meant to be. The twist added to this version comes from the extra lemon juice added and sweetness from an Earl Grey-infused syrup. To make the syrup, simply add three Earl Grey tea bags to a pot with equal parts water and sugar and boil until sugar has dissolved. You can store the syrup in the fridge for a few weeks and it makes a great addition to coffee drinks as well. 

How to Make It


Prewarm the mug for your toddy by swirling hot water in it and then dumping it out.


In the prewarmed mug add bourbon, syrup, and lemon juice; stir until combined.


Top with hot water and garnish with freshly sliced fruit and a cinnamon stick. Serve immediately.


 1 ½ oz bourbon
 1 oz Earl Grey-infused syrup
 ¾ oz fresh lemon juice
 hot water
 seasonal fruit to garnish
 1 cinnamon stick



Prewarm the mug for your toddy by swirling hot water in it and then dumping it out.


In the prewarmed mug add bourbon, syrup, and lemon juice; stir until combined.


Top with hot water and garnish with freshly sliced fruit and a cinnamon stick. Serve immediately.

Earl Grey Hot Toddy