From 10 years of desert homes, canyon hikes, camping trailers, and beach surf, our editors have chosen their absolute favorite Sunset covers. Which is yours?

It was a tough job, but our editors went through all the Sunset covers of the past decade—and these are the ones we unanimously decided are our faves.

Of course, some trends emerged. Turns out we absolutely love the May issue, our annual camping tome. Our gardens are our favorite escapes when we can’t get out to the woods. The winter holidays are days we always want to reminisce on, but sunny blue skies, mountains, and beaches are the stuff of our staff’s dreams. And we love a teardrop trailer or a 1968 Land Rover, because a road trip epitomizes epic exploration in the West.

Looking back on the past ten years, we realize we can’t wait to share another decade of surfing, camping, hiking, and beautiful homes and gardens with you.