Quiet time in Cannon Beach
In the dark evening of a rainy day, drive down HemlockStreet in Cannon Beach. Pass the shingled storefronts; the windowsdisplaying T-shirts, sweaters, and hand-blown glass; thehand-lettered signs. You might be the only living soul in town,judging from the empty sidewalks.
But pull over where lights and an “open” sign encourage ―here in downtown Cannon Beach, or half a mile south in midtown, orpast the darkened summer houses, where a hand-drawn crow and a pubsign beckon. Well, any port in a storm. You walk into the WarrenHouse Pub and find out where everyone is ― inside, of course,dry as a bone, if not here then somewhere else, catching up ongossip over beers all around or tête-à-tête in abooth, noshing on ribs or sampling smoked leg of lamb.
In the morning, don’t count on sleeping-in weather. You couldeasily wake to white cumulus clouds boiling in a blue sky nearlybright enough to blind. That’s your green light to get out and walkthe wide beach before the next shower―there’s more than 5miles of sand between Ecola Creek and Arch Cape, and another mileof beach north of the creek.