Dig into French toast smothered in nuts and cream cheese andtopped with pineapple at Mama’s Royal Café (Hidalgo at Zapata in Cabo;624/143-4290). The OJ is fresh, as is the live mariachi music.
Road trip. Drive a good hour north of Cabo to Todos Santos, a bohemian enclave known for its artgalleries, surf beaches, and culinary excellence. Two-lane Highway19 skirts the coast past the farming village of El Pescadero andPlaya San Pedro (turn left at km. 57 marker and follow the dirtroad about 1 1/2 miles), an excellent beach for bodysurfing.
Art stroll. Streets around the main plaza in Todos Santosare lined with small restaurants, stylish inns, and 13 artgalleries. The Galería Santa Fe (Calle Centenario #10, in the centralplaza; 612/145-0340) bursts with milagro crosses, Frida Kahloreproductions, and eclectic folk art.