Go figure. Although our drought situation here in California is dire, many of the state’s lakes and reservoirs actually have more than ...
Despite the drought, some lakes are full
View from Romero Visitor Center, San Luis Reservoir (By Flickr user Wonderlane)

View from Romero Visitor Center, San Luis Reservoir (By Flickr user Wonderlane)

Go figure. Although our drought situation here in California is dire, many of the state’s lakes and reservoirs actually have more than enough water in them for your warm-weather recreation needs. (Now, whether they’re open for playtime at all is another matter entirely. We’re looking at you, Marin and the SF Watershed’s Peninsula reservoirs.) Mr. Outdoors himself, Tom Stienstra, ran a very useful list in his Chronicle column this past Thursday; check it out here.

Why, you may ask, is this the case? The answer is a water-management-and-politics rabbit hole we’re not going to go down right now. Suffice it to say, you may be able to salvage your summer. Just promise to do your part by saving as much water as you can, at home and on the road, okay?

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