Cocktail on Marble Table
Pete Habib, courtesy of Robin Jackson
AuthorRobin Jackson

Inspired by the ginger and turmeric wellness shots you can get at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, but with the added health benefits of apple cider vinegar and bourbon(!), this tangy robust cocktail from Oldfield’s Liquor Room in Culver City California is, as the title suggests, just what the doctor ordered.

How to Make It


Shake all ingredients except ginger beer and strain over ice.


Finish with ginger beer.


 2 fl oz bourbon
 ½ fl oz apple cider vinegar
 ½ fl oz honey
 ½ fl oz lemon juice
 ¼ tsp turmeric (either powder or freshly pressed juice)
 dash bitters
 ginger beer



Shake all ingredients except ginger beer and strain over ice.


Finish with ginger beer.

Doctor’s Orders: Make This Tangy Cocktail