Frances Merrill of Reath design used a patchwork fabric to add a layer of pattern and texture to a streamlined built-in bench in this country home near Bend, Oregon.

Quilted Bench
Laure Joliet

Quilted jackets made from patchwork fabric became a cottage core-inspired style statement this year. The trend was the fashion equivalent of wearing a warm hug, and it isn’t surprising why it took off. Quilts are part art project, part throw blanket, and the ultimate in thrift and sustainability, turning cast-off fabric scraps into one-of-a kind pieces with sewing skills rooted in tradition. They’re cozy. They’re nostalgic. Draped over a sofa or at the foot of a bed, they add a graphic pop of color and pattern, and a warm layer when you need it. Designers and home stylists are finding new ways to use quilts in interiors, wherever a soft touch and some old-school charm is needed. 

Hang It on the Wall

A simply constructed wood hanger from Caroline Hurley turns a beautifully sewn blanket into textile art.

Toss in a Pillow

Quilt Queen Pillow

Courtesy of Quilt Queen

Add some quilted pillows to the mix. Modern, linear styles, like these from Quilt Queen Studio, introduce color and texture without a busy pattern.

Drape It over a Table 

Shop owner and author Amanda Cutter-Brooks uses a vintage quilt as a tablecloth in her Cotswolds store.

Wrap It around a Headboard

Quilt Headboard

Courtesy of Pinterest

A quilted bed, or a wood or metal bed frame wrapped in quilted fabric, is soft to lean against for reading and buffers sound. Or skip the headboard altogether and hang one from a dowel instead.

Use It as a Room Divider 

Traditional Korean pojagi patchwork fabric is a sheer alternative to a padded quilt. The technique stitches together sheer scraps to mimic stained glass and makes for an ethereal room divider for privacy and filters the light. 

Mix It up with Placemats

Pottery Barn Quilted Placemat

Courtesy of Pottery Barn

Have a vintage quilt that needs TLC? Instead of trying to repair it, cut it into rectangular placemats and sew a simple hem. Or buy them as-is, made from washed sustainable cotton, at Pottery Barn

Invest in a Quilted Throw Bed

Add layers of quilted throw beds to create inviting nooks. Layers of blankets and plush throw beds—like quilts with extra thickness—add inviting softness and warmth to a day bed or hidden corner.

Take a Stab at DIY

DIY Tote Bag Kit

Courtesy of French General

Start small with this beginner sewing project, a Boro tote kit from French General, which teaches patchwork technique and Japanese sashiko stitching.

Support a Timeless Art Form

French General Tote

Courtesy of French General

Quilting is both a tool for story telling rooted in tradition and an art that needs preserving. The proceeds from the sale of this French General tote help purchase supplies for quilters in the Navajo communities of the American West.