Southwest Checklist
Euphorbias. They add evergreen foliage color to borders,containers, and rock gardens. Euphorbia amygdaloides has dark green leaves. E. characias has blue-green leaves. Resembling a poinsettia(its cousin), E. heterophylla displays red- and white-blotched leaves insummer.
Palms. You can’t beat palms for easy-care tropical ambience.At poolside, try Mediterranean fan palm ( Chamaerops humilis), Mexican blue palm ( Brahea armata), or queen palm ( Syagrus romazoffianum). Near desert natives, considerHispaniola or Sonoran palmetto ( Sabal blackburniana and S. uresana), pindo palm ( Butia capitata), or windmill palm ( Trachycarpus fortunei). For the patio, consider a pottedCosta Rican parlor palm ( Chamaedorea costaricana).
Seasonal color. Sunset climate zones 2b, 3a: Try ‘Orange Zinger’ or ‘RedSplash’ calendula, ‘Lemon Gem’ and ‘Tangerine Gem’ marigold, and’Persian Carpet’ zinnia. Zones 10, 11 (Albuquerque, Las Vegas):Consider ‘Scarlet Fire’ celosia, ‘Blue Bell’ or ‘Blue Spire’larkspur, Double Pinwheel Mix marigold, ‘Ace of Spades’ scabiosa,and ‘Canary Yellow’ zinnia. Zones 12, 13: Try ‘Picotee’ or ‘YellowGarden’ cosmos, ‘Cempoalxochitl’ marigold, ‘Victoria’ sage, ‘HopiBlack Dye’ or ‘Tarahumara’ sunflower, or ‘Purple Dahlia’ or ‘Shadesof Pink’ zinnia. Seeds of these plants are available from Seeds ofChange (888/762-7333).
Summer-blooming shrubs. Add a splash of bold orange or redblossoms by planting Baja fairy duster ( Calliandra californica), cape honeysuckle ( Tecoma capensis), firecracker bush ( Hamelia patens), orange bells ( Tecoma x alata), or red bird of paradise ( Caesalpinia pulcherrima). For bright yellow blooms, considerMexican bird of paradise ( Caesalpinia mexicana), San Marcos hibiscus ( Gossypium harknessii), shrubby senna ( Senna wislizenii), and yellow bird of paradise ( Caesalpinia gilliesii). If you prefer pinks and purples, tryChihuahuan or Langman’s sage ( Leucophyllum laevigatum and L. langmaniae) or Texas mountain laurel ( Sophora secundiflora).
Vegetables. Zones 2b, 3a: Sow seeds of broccoli, brusselssprouts, cabbages, carrots, chard, radishes, and turnips. Zones10-13: Sow seeds of Armenian cucumbers, black-eyed peas,cantaloupe, chiles, corn, eggplant, early-maturing green beans,okra, summer and winter squash, and watermelon.
Care for roses. Zones 2b, 3a, 10: Cut off faded flowers,water two to three times a week, and fertilize every two weeksduring bloom. Zones 11-13: Remove faded blossoms, discontinuefeeding, and water deeply once a week.
Protect crops. To prevent birds and insects from damagingfruits and vegetables, drape trees and plants with bird netting orshadecloth. To prevent sunscald, cover vegetables with 50-percentshadecloth; this also reduces temperatures, which improves theability of peppers and tomatoes to set blossoms and fruit.
Water wisely. Watch plants for heat stress, often signaledby brown spots, sudden leaf drop, or wilting that persists aftersunset. If these symptoms occur, increase watering frequency.However, avoid overwatering, which can lead to yellowing leaves,blossom drop, and root rot. Irrigate when the top 2 to 3 inches ofsoil are dry. Potted plants may need water twice a day.