This homemade spin on the classic “Choco Taco” is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser

How to Make Ice Cream Tacos

This homemade spin on the classic “Choco Taco” is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser

For those who indulged in the classic ice cream truck treat as kids, the thought of a Choco Taco brings back cherished childhood memories in an instant. Now ambitious cooks can make their own version of the nostalgic ice cream dessert with our recipe for ice cream tacos. The process takes some patience, but the results are worth it! The taco shells are the most complicated part of the recipe, but aren’t prohibitively difficult. First, mix egg whites, sugar, vanilla, and salt until well blended, and then you’ll mix in flour and melted butter. Next, line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a small bowl, trace circles (i.e. the bowl’s circumference) on the parchment paper with a pencil. Flip over the parchment paper and then spoon out the taco shell dough equally into the circles and spread it out with a knife so that each circle is filled. Bake the taco shells, and while they’re in the oven, stand a slightly opened book on a flat surface so that the spine is facing up. Drape a tea towel over the spine and cover of the book. Once out of the oven, remove the Choco Taco shells from the baking sheet with a spatula and form them into a taco shape over the book. Next, fill the taco shells with ice cream—our homemade vanilla ice cream is an excellent choice, but any store-bought variety will do!  Freeze the filled taco shells so that they harden. Finally, you’ll top your homemade Choco Tacos off with—what else?—homemade Magic Shell. Our version is super easy to make. Dip the taco, ice cream side down, into the chocolate shell and then top with chopped peanuts. Freeze them again so that everything sets. Now you’ve got a wow-factor dessert that your party guests will clamor for!


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