Amy, our recipe editor, has this new way to cook the snails. I'll make her blog all about it just as soon as she can take a break from th...
How I spent my Sunday evening

Amy, our recipe editor, has this new way to cook the snails. I’ll make her blog all about it just as soon as she can take a break from the craziness of the Sunset test kitchen. Anyway, they’re delicious. Delicious, I tell you. I was popping them into my mouth like popcorn even BEFORE they were cooked in garlic and butter (don’t worry, they’d already been boiled). I can’t get enough of them.

Trouble is, I can’t find a plethora of big, fat, juicy ones in the test garden. What can I say? I guess I’m just that on top of snail control.

I keep seeing big ones on our front steps at home in San Francisco. So this evening I went on a snail hunt, headlamp and all. I got a handful of BIG ones and then got thoroughly absorbed in taking pictures of them to try and capture their meatiness for YOU, dear readers! Don’t thank me — it’s my pleasure.

They’re big!

Cuddle pile!

Look at all that meaty goodness!

Nice neck. Makes my mouth water.

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