How to roast and peel fresh chestnuts
Perfectly roasted chestnuts bring to mind a familiar holiday tune, but October is actually the peak season for the Western chestnut harvest. Unlike other nuts, chestnuts are perishable and can mold or dry out if not handled properly ― good reasons to choose local over imported.
They’re now available online as well as at farmers’ markets and specialty stores. At home, refrigerate chestnuts until ready to use (up to a month) in a plastic bag cut with a few slits, then roast in the oven for a quick, peel-your-own appetizer.
Roasted chestnuts. To know if your chestnuts are ready to roast, give them the squeeze test: If there’s a slight give between the outer shell and inside nut, it’s ready. If you don’t feel this, let the chestnuts stand in a bowl at room temperature for two to seven days.