Are you a visual person? Go one step beyond a voice-controlled speaker with this new device

Lenovo Smart Display
Courtesy of Lenovo

It seems tech companies are recognizing our needs as visual people, judging by the newest crop of smart home gadgets.

Always on the never-ending quest to make our lives easier,  Google released  its newest Assistant-compatible device this summer, and it’s looking like the new tech hub your kitchen counter needed.

The voice-controlled Smart Display, built by Lenovo, runs on Android software to play music, link up with your other smart home devices, and display video courtesy of YouTube on a built-in 8- or-10-inch screen. Along the same lines, Amazon recently released its version of a  screen-enabled gadget, the Echo Show, that much like its competitor, answers every question from “What’s the weather?” to “How do I make gluten-free chocolate chip cookies?”

Best of all, you won’t have to make too many mental notes. While voice-controlled speakers like Google Home or Amazon Echo make it possible for you to run your household virtually without lifting a finger, the screen adds an extra element of practicality.

Looking for a recipe? See it displayed in front of you, rather than having it rattled off verbally, while scrambling for a pen. Searching for a new restaurant? Check out images of the ambiance before committing to a reservation.

Murmurs in the tech world say companies like JBL, Sony, and LG are also working on their own versions of a smart-screen device à la Lenovo’s versions, also to launch this summer.

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