Screen gems
Holiday project from hardware store screening
It’s modern-day alchemy: turn ordinary wire screening into sparkly decorations. Squeeze-bottles of glitter-filled “dimensional paints” (sold at most art stores) effect the transformation. Draw simple outlines on aluminum or brass filter screening with the paint, let it dry, then cut out the shapes with metal snips. The thick, flexible paint keeps the fine wires in the screening from fraying and gives each cutout a glittering border.
There’s a festive splendor to the leaves shown here, which are also pictured in Changing tableaux. Use the leaves to hold candy, as tabletop and mantel decorations, as tree ornaments, or as bases for votive candles.
The leaves pictured are made of 50-lines-to-the-inch screening, which is sold in foot-wide rolls for about 50 cents per running inch. If you keep your leaf shapes small and draw them close to each other, you can make a foot of screening go far.