Refresh the scene by potting up plants in white or lime green
Written byKathleen Norris BrenzelOctober 14, 2004
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If the heat has your garden in the doldrums, refresh a tired corner with a splash of white or lime. In containers, plants with white flowers look clean and cool; those with lime or mint green blooms or leaves are as inviting as an icy drink.
Start with a glazed container, and select foliage plants and flowers to suit the color scheme you like. Choose a tall plant for the back of the pot, shorter accents to go around it, and low trailers to spill over the edges. Some choices follow; many of the flowers come in shades of white as well as colors. Place the pot on a patio or amid garden foliage.
Place a single asparagus fern in a long-necked urn; edge it with ‘Olympic Gold’ bacopa. Part shade.
Pair ‘Vancouver Centennial’ zonal geranium (lime green leaves edged in red) and trailing ‘Angelina’ sedum (needlelike lime green leaves) in a rust brown pot.
Flank a single ‘Raspberry Ruffles’ coleus (or other red-and-green-leafed variety) with two lime-gold coleus such as ‘Golda’ or a golden-green sweet potato vine(Ipomoea batatas ‘Marguerite’). Shade or part shade.
Put a single white-flowered hydrangea in a large container (at least 18 in. wide). Put white-flowered bacopa or campanula around it. Shade or part shade.
Plant Tropicanna Gold canna (yellow-and-green-striped leaves) in a large pot. Fringe it with ‘Angelina’ sedum and sweet potato vine.