Like all good New Mexico food, these enchiladas are simple, earthy, and delicious. The dish's heat depends on the chiles; go with Anaheims if you scorch easily.
This is a great example of combining two food favorites, enchiladas and nachos, with very satisfying results. We originally created this dish with camping food ideas in mind, but serving it for a regular weeknight dinner isn’t a bad idea either.
Wet and cheesy, with a spicy sauce over everything: This is the classic enchilada in all its glory. Serve it with beans and rice on the side for the fully authentic experience.
For some, the super-spiced flavor of canned enchilada sauce is just too powerful and making homemade sauce isn’t possible. Here’s a great recipe using good-quality, purchased salsa instead.
As requested by one of our readers, we tried to create a decadent enchilada recipe that’s a little easier on the waistline. Our result: this vegetarian version that’s packed with fresh vegetables. Who says you can’t satisfy cravings while also eating healthily?
The best thing about these enchiladas, besides the flavor, is that they can be mostly completed the day ahead and then baked just before serving. If you’re looking for a hearty make-ahead meal that will bring smiles to a crowd, look no further.