Can’t Go to Mexico? These Gorgeous Housewares Bring Mexico Home

If you can’t go to Mexico, Mexico can come to you.

Christine Lennon

Here’s some news that will surprise no one: Confinement breeds wanderlust. After being cooped up for months, Americans are scratching their travel itch by searching for their next travel destination. Another not-surprising revelation is that Mexico is at the top of their list of go-to spots once it’s safer to travel, according to research by the travel blog Koala (#2 nationwide, #1 on the west coast). The U.S. misses Mexico, but maybe not as much as Mexico misses tourists. The travel industry and local craftspeople have taken a major hit. One quick fix, however small it may seem, may be to invite a little of the country into your home. Support makers and artisans by buying their goods and boosting your mood with color and craft. Then break out the calendar and start making plans for later.

1 /6 Courtesy of Nakawe Trading

Wrap Yourself in Vacation Memories

If you long for the crisp coastal whites of the Hotel Esencia, make your bed with this hand-woven white cotton blanket from artisans in Oaxaca.

Handwoven Blanket, from $159
2 /6 Courtesy of UNICEF USA

Drink to Future Memories

Pour a stiff margarita (on the rocks with salt and a hint of heat) in one of these recycled tumblers, made by UNICEF -supported glass blowers, and pretend you’re at the Hotel San Cristobal’s perfect beach bar.

Glass Tumblers, Set of Six, $43.19
3 /6 Courtesy of Coqui Coqui US

A Whiff of Relaxation

Missing the lush, tropical vibes of Coqui Coqui in Coba? Fill your home with the scent of their room and linen spray, with notes of fresh coconut and green grass.

Room and Linen Spray, $72
4 /6 Courtesy of World by Hand

A Whimsical Planter

Do you need a fix of rustic island charm? Get one of these face planters from Cuernevaca, and book a stay at Punta Caliza on Holbox Island.

Ceramic Planters, approx. $22.50
5 /6 Courtesy of La Fuente Imports

Mira, Mira, on the Wall

Are you dreaming of the vibrant color and eclecticism of the Belmond San Miguel de Allende? Hang a tin and tile mirror on your wall.

Tin and Tile Mirror, from $119
6 /6 Courtesy of Atacama

Ciudad Style

When you need a hit of that earthy-urban energy of Mexico City, and want to teleport to lunch in the courtyard of the Condessa DF hotel, set your table with these sleek and colorful plates made by multi-generational ceramics artists in Jalisco.

Ceramic Dinnerware, from $24