A Swiss Army Knife Is Good, but This Camp Kitchen Gear Is Better

Good (and good-looking) camp cooking gear makes eating on the road more satisfying and stylish than ever.

Sunset Staff

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1 /3 Thomas J. Story

Keep Your Cool

The Yeti Roadie 24 is our favorite road-trip cooler. It’s light but sturdy and well-insulated, can perch in the footwell of your vehicle to keep snacks chilled and within reach, and is tall enough to accommodate bottles of wine.

Yeti Roadie 24, $199.99
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Primus Kuchoma Grill

This handsome and lightweight portable gas-powered Kuchoma grill from Primus lets you spark it up and get straight to cooking, without having to worry about packing in and cleaning out pesky pans and skillets.

Kuchoma Grill, $189.95
3 /3 Thomas J. Story

Board Certified

Prep and serve your meal with this compact kit that includes a sharp scaled-down chef’s knife, an oak board that can serve as a plate, and washable case that expands your prep area and keeps it all tidy.

Cutting Board Kit, $69.95