Stories We’re Loving This Week

From the Southwest's campaign against water-greedy lawns to cool ways to hide cords, the stories our editors are loving and sharing this week.

Aislyn Greene

The Ojai Rancho Inn

Arid Southwest Cities’ Plea: Lose the Lawn –> NYT

“Like L.A., which has paid $1.4 million to homeowners who trade in their lawns for water-wise gardens, some cities in the Southwest are paying residents to give up their lawns. With water scarcity on the rise, I’m proud that Western states are championing a return to more native plants, which can thrive with little to no water. I also love that Sunset promoted drought-tolerant plants and gorgeous, lawn-free yards long before they were front-page news.” — Aislyn Greene, assistant editor

The Ojai Rancho Inn: A Roadhouse for Modern Mystics –> Remodelista

“It’s a rare experience to vacation at a hotel, or even a rental home, and think, Man, I really wish I could just live here — and actually mean it. This inn’s rooms have a bohemian-meets-cabin chic feel that make me want to put down some new roots in SoCal — or at least steal export some decorative ideas, like the phenomenal leather love seat and exotic pendant lights.” — Jessica Mordo, senior editor, Sunset.com

Loafing Around: 4 Stories to Inspire Your Bread-Making

“Last November, Sunset Food Editor Margo True wrote a beautiful ode to bread, City of Loaves, and started me thinking about baking bread. Then I read the bread chapter in Michael Pollan’s new book Cooked, and all was lost. I’m now biga-deep into Portland baker Ken Forkish award winning book, Flour Water Salt Yeast: The Fundamentals of Artisan Bread and Pizza. It seems I’ve embarked on my own 1,000 loaves project. Bread and butter, anyone?” — Margaret Sloan, production coordinator

DIY to Try: 3 Chic Ways to Camouflage Your Cords –> Pop Sugar Home

“I live with a tech junkie, which means that there are inevitable tangles of cable spaghetti hovering near many an electrical outlet. Try as we might to tame the corded beast, we have failed – but now there’s hope! I love these ingenious ideas for covering up the eyesore of black and gray wires with these colorful and cheeky solutions.” — Jessica Mordo, senior editor, Sunset.com