Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort

We could go on about the pleasures of staying at Snowbird outside of ski season—the jolly Oktoberfests in fall, the great Sunday brunches, even the angular ’70s architecture that still looks remarkably at home in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Plus, you can ride the aerial tram to the top of 11,000-foot Hidden Peak and then hike down—stupendous scenery and no uphill!

Snowbird, Utah

We could go on about the pleasures of staying at Snowbird outside of ski season—the jolly Oktoberfests in fall, the great Sunday brunches, even the angular ’70s architecture that still looks remarkably at home in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Plus, you can ride the aerial tram to the top of 11,000-foot Hidden Peak and then hike down—stupendous scenery and no uphill!

Last Reviewed
October 2015


9385 E. Snowbird Center Dr.
Snowbird, UT

