Mixed Nuts

Mixed Nuts clutters its sidewalk space with old signage and furniture salvaged from neighborhood garages and beyond. “Yeah, this is the kind of place an old guy should be running,” says 29-year-old Brandon Clark, a graphic designer who escaped the nine-to-five to open the shop in 2012. He may be right. Amid the retro treasures he and his partner have collected (desk fans, movie projectors), you’ll find rehabbed light fixtures, vintage chairs, and upcycled Americana like early Scrabble boards and wooden pinball machines. And soon, Clark’s own line of skateboards.

San Francisco, California

Mixed Nuts clutters its sidewalk space with old signage and furniture salvaged from neighborhood garages and beyond. “Yeah, this is the kind of place an old guy should be running,” says 29-year-old Brandon Clark, a graphic designer who escaped the nine-to-five to open the shop in 2012. He may be right. Amid the retro treasures he and his partner have collected (desk fans, movie projectors), you’ll find rehabbed light fixtures, vintage chairs, and upcycled Americana like early Scrabble boards and wooden pinball machines. And soon, Clark’s own line of skateboards.

Last Reviewed
July 2015


3243 Balboa St.
San Francisco, CA

