Sunnyvale surprise
Discovering Sunnyvale’s South Murphy Avenue is as excitingas finding a $20 bill in the pocket of a favorite coat. The SiliconValley town is most often associated with high-tech companies andacres of suburbia. But tucked away from the main thoroughfares, thedowntown stretch of South Murphy maintains a friendly, villagelikecharacter.
Named after Martin Murphy Jr., one of Sunnyvale’s firstsettlers, the avenue is lined with buildings that date back to theearly 1900s. On the corner of South Murphy and Evelyn Avenues, thecirca-1904 Del Monte Building, once used for drying and packingproduce, is now home to a restaurant and coffee shop.
Locals still gather on South Murphy. Drop by on a Saturday toexperience the lively year-round Sunnyvale Farmers’ Market (9-1; 510/745-7100). On market days, you can stroll thesidewalks alongside regulars toting canvas grocery bags, and enjoylive music while lingering over baked goods.