su-Kate’s Grilley
Photo: Thomas J. Story
Yields Makes 2 sandwiches (serving size: 1 sandwich) Total Time 40 mins
AuthorSue Conley and Peggy Smith, Cowgirl Creamery,
Sue Conley and Peggy Smith, co-owners of Northern California's Cowgirl Creamery, came up with this English-accented sandwich--based on a recipe in their Cowgirl Creamery Cooks (Chronicle Books)--in honor of their British friend Kate Arding, co-founder of the cheese magazine Culture. Wagon Wheel is the Cowgirls' newest creation--a buttery, melty cow's milk cheese.

How to Make It

Step 1

In a medium frying pan over medium heat, heat oil and cook onion, stirring occasionally, until soft and deep golden brown, 10 to 15 minutes. Let cool.

Step 2

Mix cheeses together in a small bowl.

Step 3

Top 2 bread slices with cheese mixture, smushing it evenly onto the bread. Top with caramelized onions and tomato, then other two bread slices.

Step 4

Butter outsides of each sandwich.

Step 5

Heat a large well-seasoned cast-iron skillet or a large, heavy nonstick pan over medium heat for a minute.

Step 6

Place sandwiches in skillet and cook until golden-brown underneath, 5 to 7 minutes. Flip and cook the other side until it's just as toasty. Low and slow is the key. Cheese will probably ooze out, but that's okay. It gives the sandwiches a nice crunchy fringe.


 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
 1/4 cup thinly sliced yellow onion
 3 ounces crumbled blue cheese (such as Stilton or Rogue River Blue)
 3 ounces coarsely shredded Wagon Wheel or asiago
 4 slices seeded wheat bread or walnut bread
  About 1/2 tomato, thinly sliced
 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature


Step 1

In a medium frying pan over medium heat, heat oil and cook onion, stirring occasionally, until soft and deep golden brown, 10 to 15 minutes. Let cool.

Step 2

Mix cheeses together in a small bowl.

Step 3

Top 2 bread slices with cheese mixture, smushing it evenly onto the bread. Top with caramelized onions and tomato, then other two bread slices.

Step 4

Butter outsides of each sandwich.

Step 5

Heat a large well-seasoned cast-iron skillet or a large, heavy nonstick pan over medium heat for a minute.

Step 6

Place sandwiches in skillet and cook until golden-brown underneath, 5 to 7 minutes. Flip and cook the other side until it's just as toasty. Low and slow is the key. Cheese will probably ooze out, but that's okay. It gives the sandwiches a nice crunchy fringe.

Kate’s Grilley