Is Tom Selleck stealing your water?

Actor Tom Selleck of TV's "Magnum, P.I." has been accused of stealing public water to service his sprawling estate in Ventura County, CA.

Nino Padova

Photo via Flickr user Alan Light

The man behind television’s most famous mustache is at the center of a drought-shaming controversy. Actor Tom Selleck, star of the CBS show no one’s ever heard of Blue Blood and the Ferrari-driving private dick in the 1980s series Magnum, P.I., has been accused of stealing public water to service his sprawling estate in Ventura County, north of L.A.

A complaint filed by the Calleguas Municipal Water District claims that the actor ordered truckloads of water to be sucked out of a hydrant near a construction site in Thousand Oaks, California, and delivered to his 60-acre ranch and avocado farm in nearby Westlake Village. The alleged siphoning took place more than a dozen times over two years, and in a made-for-TV plot twist, the water district hired a private investigator to help crack the case and is demanding that Magnum cough up the $22,000 it dished out to do so.

In related news, Ponch and Jon were spotted having a water balloon fight off of I-5.