The Tiniest Grill

You know how some people are all about bigger is better when it comes to grills? Like, theirs has 1,000 square inches of cooking space and puts out 50,000 BTUs? Well, mine is smaller. A lot smaller. And it runs on twigs and pine cones.


You know how some people are all about bigger is better when it comes to grills? Like, theirs has 1,000 square inches of cooking space and puts out  50,000 BTUs? Well, mine is smaller. A lot smaller. And it runs on twigs and pine cones.

I’m totally jazzed about the new camping-sized BioLite Grill, which I discovered when we were researching gear for our May camping issue. There’s the cuteness factor: It’s just big enough for 2 modest sockeye salmon fillets, and it looks like something that’s going into orbit with The Jetsons.

It’s also a kick to use. You load up the chamber with twigs and click a button to ignite them. Then you close the lid and set food on the grill. My salmon came out perfectly and the skin got nice and crisp (I added just a little extra fuel to boost the temp).

The grill goes with the BioLite Camp Stove, and was designed for cooking in camp without petroleum products. But it’s perfect for the beach, the park, or an emergency kit. And get this, big BTUers: this little guy even comes with a cord for powering up your cell phone while you grill.

Here’s one of my favorite recipes for grilled sockeye salmon, to try out at home or in camp.