Magical pumpkins

Turn these harvest icons into glowing jack-o'-lantern sculptures

Mary Jo Bowling and Jil Peters,

Pumpkins resting in a patch have an almost primordial appeal. Driving past, only the stone-hearted can resist pulling over to hoist them ― cool, hefty, and smooth ― off the ground. Their merits of shape and color are considered ― ludicrously tall and yellow or fiendishly squat and brownish? No other fruit has such personality. Even the stems seem to tell a story.

Once home and carved with nature-inspired designs into jack-o’-lantern sculptures, the pumpkins communicate a new message of the season. Light, varying in intensity, and in some cases color, emanates from cutouts depicting other symbols of fall ― oak and maple leaves, acorns, and not-so-scary spiders ― to delight the eye.

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