Tomato recipes

68 ways to use this favorite fruit.


You’ve slaved over your seedlings and proudly planted them. You patiently plucked suckers from between their branches. You’ve diligently watered and staked. Your plants have survived tomato worms, squirrels and blight. Or perhaps you just went to the local farmer’s market and loaded up on a seasonal tomato special . It’s time to reap the rewards of your harvest. We’ve put together a list of some of our favorite tomato-friendly recipes for you to try.

If you are heading out to a party and want to impress your friends with a homemade dip thats quick and easy, check out our Salsa Fresca. In the mood for soup? Try the Creamy Tomato and Roasted Pepper. Having a barbecue? Dried Tomato Pesto-Filled Burgers are a sure winner.

Still have a plethora of ‘Early Girls,’ ‘Better Boys’ and ‘Beefsteaks’ left over? Take your pick from any of the following.


