Postage stamp-sized lots mean San Franciscans learn how to garden creatively.
Avant garde-ning in San Francisco
Photograph by Brian Whitney

Photograph by Brian Whitney

Postage stamp-sized lots mean San Franciscans learn how to garden creatively.

Or in this case, really creatively.

A Pacific Heights homeowner makes the most of limited space by gardening vertically. Cool, right?

But that’s not really enough to stand out in this city where anyone who’s anyone already has a living wall.

So this homeowner took it a step further–way further–with a giant fishbowl! Ok, follow me here: The excess water from the vertical garden drains into a big, clear koi tank, which is then recycled (using the fish poop as fertilizer) back into the hanging garden. Way to make the most of a small space, people!  (Oh, and sorry about totally creeping around your front yard.)

(Aquaponic set up from Inka Biospheric Systems)

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