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Stockpot or Instant Pot Cooked Beans

Instant Pot Time
1 hr 15 mins

Stockpot Time
2 hrs

Total Time
3 hrs 15 mins

After many trials in the Sunset Test Kitchen, we see the virtues of each. For the most evenly cooked beans, use a regular stockpot—and no need to presoak. For the quickest-cooking, no surprise, the Instant Pot wins—but only by about half an hour. Older beans (and some harder varieties, like chickpeas) will take longer to cook, either way.

 1 ½ cups cups dried beans such as cannellini or Great Northern, rinsed and sorted for debris
 ½ tsp kosher salt (optional)

Stockpot method. Put beans in a pot with enough water to cover by 21⁄2 in. Cover, bring to a boil over high heat, and boil 3 minutes. Reduce heat and simmer until beans are tender, about 11⁄2 hours, adding salt, if you like, after 1 hour.


Instant Pot method. Put beans in pot with water to cover by 1 in. and 1⁄2 tsp. salt, if you like. Secure lid and set pressure to Sealing. Select the Multigrain setting (it adds a presoak) on high and set cooking time for 35 minutes. Let pressure release naturally for 15 minutes. Switch to Venting and let remaining steam escape.