Plant These Wildflowers in Fall for Stunning Spring Blooms

Planting wildflowers in fall means blossoms gone wild come spring. Here are the best varieties to grow

Lennie Larkin
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Lupinus perennis

We’ve all gasped at the sight of fields of lupine, the star of the pea family, stretching as far as the eye can see. To grow lupine in your own yard, it’s best to plant in late fall before winter rains, and then wait for the beautiful show come spring.

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California Poppies

Eschscholzia californica

The sunny, orange California poppy has rightfully earned its place as the state flower of California. When sown in place in fall, these poppies will come to life in early spring, turning your yard into a golden sea of color.

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Sweet Alyssum

Lobularis maritima

One of the most unassuming wildflowers, sweet alyssum will surprise you with the huge impact it can make in your yard. It will grow well in most any soil, though it can reach up to 16” tall if especially happy.

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Blue Flax

Linum perenne lewisii

Flax seeds have been all the rage in the kitchen, and their blue flowers in the field deserve equal attention. Scatter the seeds in any sunny spot, and watch as the flowers dance in the wind. After the flowers drop, harvest the seed pods for bouquets.

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Linaria maroccana

Also known as baby snapdragon, Linaria is one of those fiery little wildflowers that lets you know spring is here. It comes in all kinds of jewel tones, and is one of the few wildflowers that also holds up great as a cut flower.

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Borage officinalis

The vibrant, star-shaped flowers of the borage plant have long been said to bring courage to the gardener. More than that, they’re delicious in cocktails and salads. Sow in fall and watch as they reseed for years to come.

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Everlasting Sweet Peas

Lathyrus latifolius

Now commonly thought of as an American wildflower, the sweet pea is actually native to Italy. We’re happy that this flower made it over here to grace our hillsides, and look forward to the bright pink blooms each spring.

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Cynoglossum amabile

This quick-blooming, annual wildflower is often confused with the true forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) but has the exact same effect in the garden. Though an annual, it will self-sow for years to come, and lasts great as a cut flower to boot.

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White Yarrow

Achillea millefolium

Herbalists, florists, and gardeners alike all count simple white yarrow flowers as one of their favorites. It grows easily from seed and will really take over in the garden if you’re not careful. But is that such a bad thing?

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Coreopsis lanceolata

For a true wild meadow look, this is the wildflower for you. Sow coreopsis in fall in any average soil, sun or part shade, and watch as it blooms the following spring for a bright burst of color in the yard.