The first of spring produce

I was pretty excited last Saturday when I visited my local farmers’ market and saw a noticeable increase in options. I don’t know abo...


I was pretty excited last Saturday when I visited my local farmers’ market and saw a noticeable increase in options. I don’t know about you, but I’m over leafy greens and citrus. Don’t get me wrong, I love kale, grapefruit, and all their tasty cousins, but after a few months of only those options, I’m so happy for the change of season and the produce that comes with it.

Our own garden is in an, uh, transition period, I guess you could say. It will be wonderful in a few weeks, but as of now the pickings are slim. However, I did notice  that our pot of mint is growing with gusto since rain showers are no longer drowning it.

Next to the mint pot is our strawberry bed. It’s still too soon for the actual fruit, but I see the pretty blossoms, so I’m comforted to know it won’t be long until they start producing. For now, I’ll have to settle with the stuff that’s being driven in from a nearby farm.

My breakfast snack: cut strawberries with a chiffonade (thin strips) of fresh mint leaves.

It’s not fancy, but I think the mint actually brings out the strawberry’s sweetness so the flavor is  brighter.  If I wanted to serve this as a dessert, I’d add a bit of sugar and let it sit for about 30 minutes to macerate. But since this is my healthy start for the day, it’s perfect just as it is.