Team Found Fruit: hot on heirlooms, buzzing with bees, and testing out peanuts

The following is Found Fruit’s report on all that they did early this summer. Tune in tomorrow for their July hustlings and bus...


The following is Found Fruit’s report on all that they did early this summer. Tune in tomorrow for their July hustlings and bustlings—and check out their very cool website, filled with all kinds of great tips and ways to connect over local food (including bartering).

Kitty’s intensive vegetable garden, packed into a 72-square-foot bed.
(Photo: Lori Eanes)

We are busy as bees getting our gardens planted and food projects underway. It’s exciting to have four gardens with all heirloom varieties of veggies growing.

Nola, in her oasis of fruit trees. (Photo: Lori Eanes)

Kate and Jonah Voyageur in their garden. Just look at those tomatoes! (Photo: Lori Eanes)

Jonah Voyageur helps water the newly planted peppers and eggplants.

Oletta enjoying the fruits of her labor—literally.
(Photo: Lori Eanes)

Though the snails are continually eating our seedlings, we have planted some exciting varieties, like Tigger melons—small melons with brilliant red and yellow stripes—which we’re training up a trellis; Black Sea Man tomatoes, which are black on the outside and green white and red on the inside; tiny round Parisian carrots; and even peanuts!

Kitty has started raising rabbits for our feast, and I have harvested and frozen some ripe prickly pear fruits (called tunas in Spanish, below left) and young nopal paddles as well. (Both come from the same plant, the prickly pear cactus.)

(Photo: Michele Senitzer)

Also, our bees swarmed recently. But we were still able to harvest some delicious honey—two pints of it recently from our Kenyan top bar hive. It’s all part of learning and perfecting the art of living sustainably.

Jamie in the Kenyan top bar hive. (Photo: Michele Senitzer)

By Michele Senitzer, team leader

Posted by Margo True, Sunset Food Editor