Join Our Third Annual #SunsetEatFresh Challenge!

Before everyone goes off and thoroughly enjoys the mad holiday gluttony, I'm giving you guys a heads-up: Starting Monday, January 5, we'r...


photo by Maribel Rickard

Before everyone goes off and thoroughly enjoys the mad holiday gluttony, I’m giving you guys a heads-up: Starting Monday, January 5, we’re hitting the reset button. A team of 7 volunteer editors has decided to make resolutions and stick by them for 12 days! The goal? For the resolution to become such a habit, it’ll stick for the rest of 2015.

We’re not dieting, and we’re not cleansing. We’re adding and implementing things into our lifestyle that’ll make us healthier, whole people. Some of us will be attempting to cook every night, others will be incorporating juicing, and one of us will be trying to exercise more.

We hope you join us. Feel free to pick your own resolution, upload photos or updates about your challenge, and hashtag it on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with #SunsetEatFresh. We’d like to see what commitments you’re making this year!