Twelve ways to put Thanksgiving leftovers to good use.
Hooray for Leftovers
Turkey Sandwiches with Shallots, Cranberries, and Blue Cheese

Turkey Sandwiches with Shallots, Cranberries, and Blue Cheese

As much as I love the big Thanksgiving meal—the grill billowing smoke and wafting turkey deliciousness into the yard, the parade of pies and tasty sides, the happily stuffed feeling—it’s possible I love the leftovers even more. (Well, on the food front, I mean. Love ‘ya, family!) What do I do with that big platter of turkey crowding the fridge? Here are a few favorites.

Turkey Sandwiches with Shallots, Cranberries, and Blue Cheese

Turkey Enchiladas with Sour Cream

And a couple of no-recipe ideas:

Turkey Cranberry Salad. Toss shredded turkey with cranberry relish, sliced green onions, toasted pecans, blue cheese, bacon, and hearts of romaine. Toss again with a parlsey vinaigrette

• Tortellini in Brodo. Make broth from the carcass as you would make chicken broth.  Strain, then boil to concentrate by one-third. Cook store-bought fresh tortellini in a pot of broth with a little chopped fresh rosemary.

For more, go to 10 ways to love leftovers.

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