Eat Fresh, Day 2: Enough with the Evening Snacks

Who: Angela, test kitchen manager. This year, I’m determined to: eat dinner on weeknights and not graze my way through the late evenin...


Photo by: Annabelle Breakey

Who: Angela, test kitchen manager.

This year, I’m determined to: eat dinner on weeknights and not graze my way through the late evening.

I chose this because: I want to end my day on a healthy balanced note.

My biggest obstacle: is lack of interest in dinner at home after a day of “tasting” all the great food being tested and developed in the Sunset test kitchen.

My biggest temptation to cheat: settling in with a good book or mindless television and suddenly realizing I am hungry … right now. Urgency rarely leads to wise food choices.

Coping mechanism(s): I make my favorite Sunset soup recipes and freeze them in single servings. When it’s just me I quickly heat up one portion and when my husband is home it’s just as easy to heat up two or three.

I’m feelin’: ready!

A recipe I’m really digging: Sunset’s Curried Roasted Squash Soup.  This soup is delicious with any winter squash and stands up to freezing.

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