
Quick facts and care essentials


Though most people think of raspberries as red, you’ll also find yellow, purple, and black sorts. And while the majority are summer bearing, some kinds of red and yellow raspberries produce their crops in fall. These plants ― called everbearing raspberries ― bear fruit on the upper third of new canes in the autumn of their first year of growth. The summer of the second year, the same canes bear a second crop on their lower part; then they die (and are replaced by new canes).

Planting and care

Raspberries grow best in regions with fairly cool summers and cold winters (Zones 3-6, 15-17, 36-40, 42, cooler parts of 41 and 43). In hot climates, give them a location receiving afternoon shade.

Space raspberries about 3 feet apart; you can plant them in trenches rather than digging individual holes. Space rows 7 to 9 feet apart. After planting, cut the canes back to about 6 inches.

Pests and diseases

To control anthracnose and other fungal diseases, spray with lime sulfur during the dormant season and again when flowering begins; this will also help control many insect pests.