Dressed pots

San Diego gardener transforms ordinary terra-cotta into art

Debra Lee Baldwin,

Covered in a mosaic of pebbles, marbles, and broken tiles in complementary colors, the pots in Cynthia Bolin’s San Diego garden are as interesting as the plants they contain. The designs pair especially well with hens and chicks and a wide variety of other succulents.

To create the containers, Bolin started with humble terra-cotta pots from the nursery. She set each pot on its side, steadying it with four rolled towels. Using clear silicone bathtub caulking, she affixed bits of tile and pebbles to the pot, one section at a time. After completing the design and allowing the caulking to dry, she applied tile grout and left it to dry overnight. To finish, she applied a coat of waterproof sealer designed for granite countertops.